In this fast-paced digital age, speed is one of the crucial factors for websites to flourish and make revenue. React is one of the powerful JavaScript libraries that help build innovative and performant user interfaces for websites. The library allows rapid UI building, and hence, React JS web development is a preferred choice among many developers and businesses alike.
If you are one of them and having performance issues with your web app, you’re on the right page. Keep reading the article to learn about four ways to optimise your JS website for better and faster performance.
How to optimise React JS app performance
There used to be several methods to optimise React JS code. They all have been substituted with simpler commands and techniques. Now, you don’t have to learn numerous tricks and tips to properly improve your React app’s performance. Instead, these four tips will help you deliver exceptional results.
Assess faulty components
When optimising React App, the first thing to look out for is the components that aren’t working the way they should. If you have a team of testers and carry out user acceptance testing, you already know these components.
However, you can also identify these errors without them. If the pages in your app freeze, it is likely that the components are not working correctly. But even if the page doesn’t freeze, you should still try connecting the components and increasing the order of magnitude to check how the feature works with each other.
Google Dev Tools and React Dev Tools are great tools for seeing highlights and creating diagrams with poorly performing components. You will immediately identify issues and be guided on how to solve them.
Implement virtualisation
Often component performance occurs when there is too much data on the page. eCommerce websites need to render a lot of data when displaying product cards on the web page in a single session. But this leads to higher CPU consumption and slower loading speed, resulting in a bad user experience.
One of the simple solutions to this issue is pagination. With pagination, you can load a certain number of items on a single page. But this is not an efficient option if the user wants to see all the items without switching pages. Excessive pagination prevents the website’s smooth flow.
That’s when virtualisation comes into play. The DOMs settings allow you to keep all the items on the page, but first, you only render some of them. Then, other items get rendered when users scroll down further. This allows you to distribute CPU resources and increase performance.
Stop over-rendering
Sometimes react renders more components than it has to, creating problems for developers. For instance, react might continue updating the page even after all the components are updated to the necessary state. This constant updating increases CPU components and decreases speed. The issue isn’t common and hugely impacts user experience. However, you can follow these strategies to solve the problem:
- Pure components:
Pure components are a class in react JS that compares the current state and props with the new state and props to determine whether react components should re-render. If the state and props are the same, pure components will restrict the re-rendering of components.
- Hooks:
React Hooks are simple JavaScript functions that allow you to separate the reusable part of the functional component. These functions enable you to hook several components and automatically check the code’s status. And this further helps optimise your React app.
Filter out the props
When optimising component rendering in React JS, you need to ensure that components receive only essential props. This will help you regulate CPU consumption and prevent features from unnecessary over-rendering. For this, you have to create a functional component that collects and redistributes props to other components. The code can be slightly complicated when you need to handle a lot of props. Still, this method allows you to ensure stability and predictability.
Summing up
React JS is an excellent library for building performant websites, thanks to its various features. However, times occur when your site yields poor performance, and you have to optimise it. To increase the page loading speed and high performance, you can assess faulty components, implement virtualisation, stop over-rendering components, and filter out props.
The methods described here are some of the tested ways to improve your React app’s performance. But if your problem persists even after trying these tricks, we suggest you hire dedicated react js developers online from HKInfoway Technologies. We house skilled React JS programmers that will help identify the problem and provide you with a great solution. You can write us at info@hkinfoway.com or call on +91 9408382596.