Nowadays, Python and Node js both programming languages, are flourishing in the web development field, confusing developers on which to choose for web development services.
Choosing a perfect web development technology is critical, as your web app’s success majorly depends on that. A web development language may also affect the time and cost of your project; therefore, it needs a thorough thought before you begin designing.
You may choose to go with Node js web development services, only to find out that Python would be the best for the type of functionality you want in your website. Therefore, thorough research and analysis are necessary before choosing any web development technology.
To ease things out for you, we have given a complete comparison of Python vs node js and what type of web apps will be best to build with each programming language. Let’s get started.
What is Node js?
Node js is the JavaScript runtime environment that supports backend development. Node js allows developers to build a website’s backend and frontend facets with a unified tech stack. This distinct feature of node js helps in using the same skill set, onboarding new team members quickly, and avoiding re-hiring.

Pros of Node js
Node js was created keeping web development in mind. Therefore, it effectively addresses all the challenges of the website development process. In addition, node js offers many essential advantages like performance, frequent library and tool updates, flexible syntax, and seamless sharing of code.
Robust tech-stack
Node js is JavaScript-based, allowing you to access JavaScript tech-stack, tools, resources, and community. Moreover, you can build web applications with MEAN or MERN stacks – a combination of technologies that support web development.
MEAN stack involves:
- MongoDB – NoSQL database for data management
- Express.js – JavaScript framework for backend development
- Angular – frontend tool for creating dynamic user interface
- Node js – JS runtime environment for JS web development services
In the MERN stack, React replaces Angular; everything else remains the same.
Rapid event-based model
As per the study of Toptal’s server speed and efficiency, Node js is faster than java, PHP, and Go. This is because node js uses event-based programming to run algorithms of functionalities, despite users’ actions.
This enables a faster outcome of any action. For example, when a user clicks on a button, the program quickly reacts to the action and displays a page, sends a message, or displays new content.
Flexible for microservice development
Node js has a package manager with free modules, allowing developers to edit multiple modules simultaneously – a feature perfect for microservices. Tech giants like PayPal and Netflix used Node js to transit from monolith to Microservices.
This transition helped companies split functionalities into smaller chunks, better testing and maintenance quality, and allowed teams to make changes on numerous features concurrently, all hail to Node js’s non-blocking nature.
Vast ecosystem
Node js Package Manager (NPM) is a collection of open-source JS plugins. NPM accumulates more than 840,000 libraries. More than 97% of web apps are built using NPM. So when you hire a Node js developer online, if they are well-experienced, they will be proficient at this.

Cons of Node js
Along with the advantages, Node js has also inherited some disadvantages. Its most significant disadvantage is the inability of adapting to several functionalities according to the requirements of the backend while copying features from the frontend side.
Performance problems
Because node js uses JavaScript syntax, it performs operations with more CPU consumption. So, when you use Node js backend runtime environment, CPU-bound tasks will occur more often.
Node.js’ structure sometimes can be inconsistent with high-load CPU processes, limiting the developers and slowing down the performance of a web application.
Underdeveloped tools
Some NPM modules are poorly built. They have a lot of bugs and do not have proper documentation. Node js is an open-source project, which means its updates do not receive a strict quality approach, as Node js prefers quantity over quality.
Apart from this, there are no severe performance issues in Node js, as the core functionality has been tried and proven by the massive community of developers.
Callback hell
Node js uses callbacks to monitor completed tasks. So, as the web app scales and the number of active processes increases, callbacks also increase. Sometimes developers get lost in callbacks and miss critical bugs and technical errors.
Challenges of using Node js
When developers decide to work with Node js, they may face three main challenges.
Large tech stack
The high number of poorly tracked tools results in decreased quality and inconsistent performance.
Increase in tech debt
Callback hell and poor NPM modules can lead to code bugs, readability problems, and technical debt.
Scalability issues
When the project scales, developers can not find faulty modules or read through callback hell. Testing and maintenance teams have to give a lot of time to clean code over time and schedule continuous tech debt management sessions.
What is Python?
Python is a multi-purpose, open-source programming language developed in 1991. It is mostly used for AI development, big data processing, scientific computing, automation programming, and backend development. Python can be a good option for complex web development projects that process lots of data.

Pros of Python
Python is not specifically built for web development; there are still some advantages the language offers in web development.
Python has a very conversational syntax that feels like reading English sentences. This makes python programmers highly readable and quick to write code.
AI and ML opportunities
Python has many AI and ML related libraries like TensorFlow, Pylearn2, and Scikit-learn. So it would be a great option if you want to feature AI-related features on your website.

Cons of Python
Python is a universal language that serves multiple purposes. However, it is not specifically built for web development. Therefore there are many disadvantages of using Python for this purpose.
Low speed
Comparison studies of Java, Python, and Node js revealed that Python is much slower in handling server-side operations. One of the reasons for its slow speed is its numerous abstraction layers that take additional time to process.
Run time errors
Python is highly prone to runtime errors since it is a dynamically typed programming language. Coding in Python is easier for multiple reasons; one of them is the dynamic declaration of variables. This feature simplifies the python programming, but it may also create runtime errors.
No web browser integration
Python is not integrated with web browsers as it is slow. There is a Brython – a Python implementation, but it can’t be used in real-world apps. Python can not be run on browsers and can slower the execution speed is attempted to do so.
Challenges of using Python
Web development is not easy with Python, and developers may encounter various challenges.
Module name conflicts
Python modules are determined by their and their main script’s locations. Therefore, there is always a chance of confusion with the module name or location whenever you input a module, and the input will not go through.
Improper handling of memory-intensive processes
With the help of automated data collectors and fast memory management, Python can efficiently manage data. However, these CPU-heavy processes tend to slow down when the system is extensive.
Node Js Vs Python – A Clear Difference
We have seen significant advantages and disadvantages of Node js and Python. Now, let’s compare the difference between both web development technologies.
Scaling Node js web app is seamless thanks to its asynchronous structure, but this might be slightly difficult with Python.
Learning curve
Prior knowledge of JavaScript helps in learning Node js quickly. On the other hand, Python might be simpler initially, but it can be difficult at later stages.
Memory-intensive processes
Node js has a multithreading feature for memory-intensive operations, whereas Python is slower in this case but can carry out complex tasks.
Node js has relatively better performance than Python in some cases. Otherwise, both the technologies have the same performance.
When to Use Node js?
Node js has event-based architecture. Therefore Node js web development services are most suitable for web apps with various simultaneous requests, heavy client-side rendering, or repeatedly data passing between client and server.
Examples of such apps are IoT based solutions, real-time chatbots, messaging apps, and complex Single Page Applications (SAPs). In addition, node js can also be an excellent option for building real-time collaboration tools and streaming apps. check out our web portfolio.
When to Use Python?
Python is best suited for data science projects that include data processing and visualisation for voice and face recognition systems, image processing software, machine learning, and neural network systems. Python is also a preferred choice for 3D modelling software and games.
Wrapping up
Both the technologies have some advantages and disadvantages and use cases. But still, when we talk about web development, Node js is the most sought after option than Python. Therefore, if you are still confused, Node js would be the best option for your website development.
To further inquiry regarding the same, you can contact us and receive free quick consultation. Moreover, HKInfoway Technologies would be a great option if you want to hire dedicated developers or team online. We have a team of web developers that can help you realise your website idea, creating appealing and cutting-edge sites for your business.
Is Nodejs faster than Python?
Yes, Nodejs is faster processing language. Because Python is a single-flow language, and the requests are processed slower than Node js. So, web apps built with Python might be slower than Node.js. Therefore, Python might not be the best option for web apps that prioritise speed and performance.